Moto Maniac 2

Moto Maniac 2 is a must-play for any fan of high-octane, side-scrolling action. This is the sequel to the beloved "Moto Maniac" game. Players will be taken on an even more thrilling and dangerous trip.

About Moto Maniac 2

In Moto Maniac 2, you need to cross bridges full of obstacles. Unfinished bridge sections and unexpected falls will make players' hearts skip a beat. Be extremely alert to avoid falling catastrophically into the abyss below. The cover of the night will block your vision. Be careful, riders!

Master the controls

To conquer the bridges of "Moto Maniac 2", players will need to hone their skills with the game's intuitive controls:

  • Up (or W)/Down (or S): Drive forward or backward
  • Left (or A)/Right (or D): Tilt the vehicle left or right
  • P: Pause the action

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